Saturday, February 7, 2009
001. Real name: James Jong
002. Nicknames: jocelyn calls me jam.
003. Married: no
004. Zodiac sign: leo
005. Male or female: male
006. Age: 15 soon
007. High school: lodge secondary school
008. College: in a few years.
009. Residence: BDC!
010. Hair color: dark brown
011. Long or short hair: short
012. Smoke: no way!
013. Drink: abit
014. Available: yes.
015. Are you a health freak: no i love to eat
016. Weight : gah!
017. Do you have a crush?: hehe.
018. Do you like yourself: yes in certain ways
019. Piercings: nope
020. Tattoos: nope
021. Righty or lefty: lefty!
022. First surgery: yes! appendicitis!
023: First piercing: never had one.
024. First best friend/s: errr, can't remember.
025. First award: story telling.. lodge school sports. 2 bronze
026. First memory:err, something?
027. First pet: dog.
028. First vacation: kl
029. First concert: Avant Garde Music Academy-piano.
030. First crush:not telling!
031. Last time you went out: just now.
032. Last time you had a good time: this afternoon.
033. Last time you cried: 1 year ago.
034. Last award: 3 silvers in school sports.
035. Last trip abroad: er singapore
036. Last concert: avant garde concert.
037. Last album you bought:I don't buy albums
038. Last song you played: paramore-that's what you get. Damn good song.
039. Last phone call: to my mom.
040. Last laugh: this afternoon.
041. Summer or winter: summer
042. Rainy or sunny: sunny
043. Britney or Christina: britney
044. TV or YouTube: tv of course.i love star world too much.
045. Oprah or Tyra: tyra babey!
046. McD’s or KFC: McD's.I love EVERYTHING of Mc'D
047. Soccer or tennis: tennis. soccer is soo ughh.
048. New York or San Francisco: can't make up my mind. can i choose both?
049. Eating:left over cake from cny.
050. Drinking : nth
051. Wearing: white giordano shirt and abercrombie pants
052. Im about to: watch tv.
053. Listening to: my fan spin.
054. Food: italain/english food.
055. Drinks: Anything which is not disgusting.
056. Colors: brown/pink/white/purple/black
057. Numbers: 30/7/94 remember it!
058. Want kids: many many many kids. haha well not more than 10!
059. Want to get married: yes definately!
060. Life: successful/married/rich and happy
061. Goals: be a person everyone likes.
062. Where will you live: kuching/somewhere peaceful.
063. Buy a house: yea, a big one!
064. Buy a car: yes! many many cars!
066. Love your mom?: duh
067. Love your dad?: deffinately
068. Are they still together?: no way they're splitting.
068. Lips or eyes: i'll have to agree with melissa in this section. She has the same answers.BOTH!
069. Hugs or kisses: both
070. Shorter or Taller: taller.I'm tall so i don't want a really short girl!!
071. Lean or plump: lean
072. Romantic or spontaneous: more to romantic but also a pinch of spontaneous
073. Nice stomach or nice arms: both!
074. Sensitive or loud: sensitive i don't fancy loud people.
075. Hook-ups or relationships: relationships hook-ups don't work.
076. Bungee-jumped: no way!
077. Shook hands with someone important: yes! everyone!
078. Kissed a stranger: no way!
079. Drank bubbles: this is such a stupid question.
080. Lost glasses/contacts: Yes, some stupid fag stole my new specs.
081. Ran away from home: not home but i opened my car door and walked away. yet my dad stopped me.
082. Liked someone younger: yea
083. Older: yea
084. Broken someone’s heart:yes. forgive me.
085. Been arrested: no
086. Turned someone down: yes. forgive me again!
087. Cried when someone died: no. No one i know very well have left yet.
088. Liked a friend: yes.
089. Yourself: most of the time.
090. Miracles: ya. i wish for my dreams to come true!
091. Love at first sight: haha well it all depends. (:
092. Heaven: yes! i want to go to heaven!
093. Santa Claus: haha never! it's all a lie!!
094. Sex on the first date: no comment. XD
095. the more you hate, the more you love: and hate are two very different things
096. Angels: yea :D
097. Is there one person you want to be with you right now?: yes. ahhemm.
098. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at a time?: nope. i'm a loyal guy.
099. Do you believe in God?: sometimes?
100. Will you tag 10 people to continue this game: well i just stole it from someone.
soo i'll leave it to them.
i'll tag anyone who even bothers to read this long long st